
In reflecting on this research project in its entirety, I can say with confidence that the core assumptions were validated.

  • Designers are particularly effective in evaluating the potential impact on and relevance of an emerging technology to an existing business.
  • A design thinking approach is necessary for exploring the potential of a new technology.
  • Experience designers make for effective intrapreneurs.


Design has a significant role to play in the future as disruption becomes more commonplace and our technological landscape becomes increasingly varied. The need to stay abreast of all that is happening has become a core business competency. Knowledge of specific technologies such as blockchain will help existing businesses not only to weather the winds of change, but to use them to propel themselves forward. The future is coming. Design should be there to meet it.


Special Thanks

Thank you to everyone at Datami for taking a chance on me and being so cooperative, patient, and receptive to my research.

Thank you to Emma Crowe for supporting me throughout this process and providing me with the opportunity to research with Datami.

Thank you to Emma Jefferies for advising me during this process.

Thank you to everybody at Consensys for being so gracious with your knowledge.

Thank you to Factom for supporting a fellow Texan in his quest to understand blockchain.

Thank you Krzyzstof for being a sounding board for my ideas early in my process.

Thank you to Scott Akers for helping me to understand the importance of people like us in the Bitcoin space. Hook'em.

Thank you to MIT for providing such great resources and programs for me to take advantage of.

Thank you to the Hotel Blockchain team for accepting me into the process and allowing me to work on the idea.

Thank you to Michell Zappa for continuously being a resource for my research and for being so generous with you time. 

Thank you to Michael Sonnenshein for taking my call out of the blue and speaking with me.

Thank you to the DXD1 and DMM6 Crews for the moral support.

Thank you to Lauren Currie, Tash Willcocks, and Max Larcombe for the support, the knowledge, and the extension

Thank you to my parents for everything.


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